Related Space Weather Sites (External)
Solar observation
- GOES|Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
- X-lay
- SDO|Solar Dynamic Observatory
- SHARPs|Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches
- SOHO|Solar and heliospheric Observatory
- STEREO|Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory
- Solar surface (STEREO-A)
- GONG project
- NOAA/SWPC list of Solar flare (FTP)
- NOAA/SWPC summary of Solar activity field (FTP)
Solar wind observation・Simulation
- DSCOVR | Deep Space Climate Observatory
- ACE | Advanced Composition Explorer
- STEREO|Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory
- SOHO|Solar and heliospheric Observatory
- CACTUS|Converted Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Using Solar-2
- SUSANOO Solar wind simulation
- WSA-ENLILL Solar wind simulation
- NASA Solar wind simulation (Density)
- NASA Solar wind simulation (Speed)