timings of distribution | contents of reports | |
Daily Reports | Twice daily around 0:00 UT (9:00 JST)
and 12:00 UT (21:00 JST) |
Space weather status for the past 24 hours and forecast for the next 24 hours |
Alert Notice | when a significant space weather events occurred
and crossed a present threshold Criteria to issue alerts |
brief report of space weather event activity which have crossed a present threshold |
NICT Space Weather Email Reporting Service
We provide an email reporting service for space weather. Regular reports of current status and forecasts for space weather are delivered via emails in daily and weekly basis. (Weekly reports are only available in Japanese.) Prompt alerts of active space weather phenomena are also delivered in events basis when they are detected.
■ Subscription Services
To subscribe our NICT Space Weather Email Reporting Service, please send a blank email using the link below.
To modify your registered information, or unsubscribe this service, please send a blank email and follow the link that is written at the auto-reply email.
Currently, the registration form is only available in Japanese. If you need assistance, please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the website.
■ Contents of reports
Daily reports and alert notice
Daily reports of current status and forecasts for space weather prepared by our forecaster will be delivered via emails on regular basis. Alert notice of space weather events are distributed when a significant space weather event occurred and cross a present threshold.
The archive of previous reports can be available and searchable at
Issue of alert notice (Bulletin)
Significant space weather events automatically detected from real-time observation data are automatically distributed by e-mail promptly.
The following five types of alert notice will be distributed.
Type of events | Criteria | Description of notice |
Start of solar X-ray flare alert | when the M-Class or higher X-ray flare observed by GOES occurs | Start time of the event |
End of solar X-ray flare alert | when the M-class or higher X-ray flare ends | Start/peak/end time of the event, and maximum soft X-ray flux |
Issue: Proton event alert | When the proton flux (≧10MeV) observed by GOES exceeds 10 PFU | Start time of the event,
and maximum proton flux |
Issue: Radiation belt electron event alert | when the 24-h electron fluence (≧2 MeV) observed by GOES exceeds 3.8×108 [/cm2 sr] or 3.8×109 [/cm2 sr] | Start time of the event |
Cancel: Radiation belt electron alert | when the 24-h electron fluence decrease less than the half of the alert criteria | Start/end time of the event,
and maximum electron fluence |